The man/woman you will marry will be?
Wake Up Cal - Maroon5
....Kawinnya aja belom udah diramalkan bakal ditinggal selingkuh gue. Hiii!
What's your ambition in life?
My Lagan Love - The Corrs
Awww.... Gue kira gue akan dapet 'It's All About the Money - Meja' tapi ternyata deep down gue se-sweet ini yah B-)
If you were the lead character in a tv show, what would you do?
Something About Us - Daft Punk
WTF. Tokoh apaan nih?? Casanova? Femme Fatale? Anjis lagunya gombal!! Wakakak. 'I love you more than anything in my life...' GOMBAL!!
What will people think of you at your funeral?
Caught in the Moment - Sugababes
Hmm. Rada bingung juga gue menginterpretasikannya. Apakah artinya mereka akan kebingungan saking kehilangannya? Fufufu..
What do you secretly dream will happen in the future?
Sweeter and Sweeter - Alex Parks
Crap. Anjis, ngeri. 'Intense pain' naon! Ini, ini... Aduh, ranjau di playlist gue inih, mo dibuang tapi... TAPI GUE SUKA LAGUNYA!! Intinya jadi gue di masa depan akan bertemu orang yang sangaaaaat maniiis. Itu impian rahasia gue. Yea. Right.
You would like to do ___ to your enemy.
Is It Any Wonder - Keane
So true. Capek, bener banget Bang Chaplin, capek, capek. Tapi musuhnya mo diapain? Cuma diratapi? Heu, heu, dimaapin? Bingung.
You think kids are...
Junjou na Kanjou - (?)
Siapa yang nyanyi gue gatau. Lagunya Samurai X wakakakak!! Wah, si Ino masukin playlist dia juga toh. Yasutra. Tapi gue ga ngerti ini lagu tentang apa! XD Ada yang mau kasih tahu? Ah, berarti gue sendiri masih kayak anak kecil, sukanya Samurai X >> I think kids are the same as I am. Err. Gak juga sih, gue gak gitu suka anak kecil.
Why do your siblings hate/love you?
I Can't Stop The Feelings I've Got - Razornight
High school musical is?
Chasing Pavements - Adele
WUOGH! Gue suka lagunya! Sebenernya gue ga suka HSM, jadi artinya ni lagu apa? Sumprit, playlist gue ga nyambung. Should I give up? Or should I stop watching Efron? Both. I give up wathcing HSM.
What makes you mad?
Better That We Break - Maroon5
....Bosen ah maroon5 lagi. Hm, iya sih putus tuh bikin gue marah. Eh. Tunggu. Hm. Nggak juga sih. Hahaha. Gue marah masa-masa menjelang putusnya! Wah, lagunya betul!
What catastrophic thing will happen in your future?
Fix You - Coldplay
Ooooow!! Whatever will happen in my future there's gonna be some Chris Martin that will fix it for me ;;)
You think your parents are:
Hold on Loosely - 38 Special
WUOGH!! Bener dj! Mamih papih yang baik, benul sekali ini lagu. 'Hold on loosely, if you hang on tightly, you will loose control!' Waw. Banyak juga yang pas yah, it kinda gives me the creep.
What cheers you up?
Promises - The Cranberries
Hah? Gue seneng dijanjiin? Emang gue apaan? Pemilih? Kok jadi berasa kek kampanye pemilu? Yah, kalo dijanjiin UN dihapus siapa yang nggak seneng coba? CALEG, JANJIIN ITU DONG!
How is your day going?
Sexyback - Justin Timberlake
Rawrr... Lol. I'm not a pervert, I swear!
You invented something. What is the advertising slogan?
Roxanne - Sting
You don't have to put on your dress tonight! Karena gue menciptakan kapsul kehidupan jadi manusia gak usah keluar dari kapsul itu dan bisa melakukan segalanya dari dalam, gak pake baju pun oke, gak ada yang liat. Praktis kan?
What is your worst enemy thinking about you right now?
Shape of Things to Come - Audioslave
MUAKAKAKA!!! Damn right! Fear me!
What is the tagline of a movie all about your life?
Wavin Bye to the Train or the Bus - Arctic Monkeys
So long! Farewell! Adieu! Yah, gue melambai pergi setelah meninggalkan jejak-jejak yang berarti. Lol.
How will you die?
The Game of Love - Michelle Branch ft. Santana
Gue mati korban cinta. Ich, geuleuh amat. Yea, gue mati nelen baygon karena diputusin ato loncat ke dalem kali ciliwung dan mati keselek sampah yang nyumbat. =____=
What did you think when you met your best friend?
Heart Like a Wheel - The Corrs
Ach, bosen. Ugh. Eh, tapi... Wew. Nyih, playlist gue ternyata banyak lagu mellow menyek-menyek. Haha. Intinya, gue jatuh cinta ama sahabat gue, gitu?
What is your future spouse going to think about while you get married?
Something Sublime - Anggun
Kok kayaknya seakan suami gue kayak pasrah gitu pas mo nikah ama gue? Dari benda padat terus menyublim pas di depan penghulu. Jangan sampe aja dia berani-beraninya kentut pas mau ijab kabul.
What will someone say about you at your funeral?
Holy Virgin - Groove Coverage
No joke! Ya ampyun~~ I'm the holy virgin! Anjir gue dipuja-puji setinggi langit! Ahai-ahai! Ach! Tapi apa itu artinya gue akan mati sebagai perawan tua?? NOOOO!
What is your motto in life?
The Dynamo of Volition - Jason Mraz
Oh. Wow. Cocok! Gimme the high five!
What is your fortune in the fortune cookie?
Out of My Mind - James Blunt
Gue akan jadi gila bentar lagi. Lol.
What is written in the next love letter you recieve?
Everything's Just Wonderful - Lilly Allen
Oh God. Kalo gue nerima surat cinta kayak begini gue langsung minta putus. Jadi menurut lo gue gendut, HEH?!
How do you greet other people?
Eyes Like Yours - Shakira
Ketipan maut dong ach~ Mata mengatakan segalanya. Nyakakak. Nuff said.
Ok. Let's see punya yang laen...
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