Senin, 15 Desember 2008


Wew. Gw baru sadar tiap enty gue ditulis pas hari Senin. Hahahaha!

Sedikit arsip lama...

Friends on Even Steps

Befriending people without faces
Was a remedy for a wounded heart
For the masks had tired me out
And the turmoil had burdened me so
You may blame me for my selfishness
Or my self perseverance
Call me a coward, call me lame
But you have not seen what I have seen
And I will stand still on this stone of mine
Let you, oh foolish eyes, to see the truth
As naked as Eve in the beginning of Time
Go feel what I have felt
And dreamed, and ponder, and basked in thus light
Think what I have thought and breathed
Then you will find a stone of yours
When that time comes, my friend, let us be friend
Shall we gaze each other stance
On even steps!

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